Project Outputs


Conference Papers, Abstracts, Articles

Gallery showing both posters in .jpeg
De Lussy C. and J. Guerra, 2024. Domino-E Coverage Service. Poster to the 9th European Mission Operations Data System Architecture Workshop (ESAW), 13-14.06.2024, Darmstadt, Germany.
Pralet C. et al., 2024. Découpage de grandes zones pour l’observation
de la Terre à l’aide de plusieurs constellations de satellites. Conference Paper presented at the 25th ROADEF Congress, Amiens, France. 4-7 March 2024
Poster of DOMINO-E Satellite Communication & Resources Management Service. Includes Context, KPIs, SCRMS Main functions, SCRMS solutions, Use cases, First results and Project milestones.
Pavero P., 2024. Domino-E Satellite Communication & Resource Management Service. Poster to the 9th European Mission Operations Data System Architecture Workshop (ESAW), 13-14.06.2024, Darmstadt, Germany.
De Lussy C. et al., 2024. Domino-E coverage service - A flexible, smart automated tool for multi-mission federation. Conference Paper presented at the IAF Earth Observation Symposium
Pavero P. et al., 2024. Satellite communication management Domino, for constellation and ground station as a service interconnection. Conference paper presented at the IAF Earth Observation Symposium

Project Deliverables

Deliverable 3.2 - Design and Interface Requirement for Coverage Management
Deliverable 4.2 - Design and Interface Communication Booking
Deliverable 8.1 - Communication Strategy and Action Plan (CASP)
Deliverable 8.2 - Engagement Workshops
Deliverable 8.3 - Project Website
Deliverable 8.4 - Project Brochure
Deliverable 8.5 - 1st Dissemination report


Domino-E is only one out of numerous domino’s. The central domino creating an ecosystem of partners on the satellite ground system is called Domino-X. It is also the one domino setting standards for interoperability and integrates satellite systems. There is no Domino-E without Domino-X. This section is to inform yourself about the technical, scientific and organisational challenges tackled in Domino-X.

Domino-X: The New Earth Observation Ground Segment |
Towards a Smart and Open EO ground segment. Presentation at the Living Planet Symposium, May 2022
Datapack Cover
The Domino-X Datapack contains information on the key terms, specifications, interfaces, software and hardware standards of the Domino architecture. (.zip, 17mb)
Novak, D. et al., 2022. "Future ground segments with standardized interfaces: the Domino-X project". Conference Paper presented at the 73rd International Astronautical Congress IAC), Paris, France. 18-22 September 2022.