How the Domino Architecture is Fostering Flexibility and Collaboration in the EO Market

Stephane Derrien

Stéphane Derrien is the project lead for Capgemini’s involvement in the Domino-E project. He clearly sees the economic flexibility which the Domino architecture adds to the evolving landscape of ground segments.

Stephane Derrien
Stephane Derrien

Can you tell us about your role in the Domino-E project?

I’m Stéphane Derrien, and I lead the Domino-E project for Capgemini. My main responsibility is to work with the different SMEs involved and coordinate the development activities of the consortium. Essentially, I manage a task force to ensure that all the project activities are progressing in the right direction. That’s my role in a nutshell.

What is a key innovation of the Domino architecture?

One important aspect of the Domino architecture is its economic flexibility. The goal of this open architecture is to allow various players to provide Dominoes that cater to different needs.  Traditional key players can offer high-performance Dominoes, while in the “new space” market, customers with budget constraints may opt for simpler Dominoes with fewer features or lower performance. This flexibility is crucial—it enables the architecture to address a wide range of market demands, from high-end to more budget-conscious needs.

How does the Domino architecture change the way ground segments are developed?

Currently, a single provider typically delivers the entire ground segment. In the future, multiple providers could contribute to the same ground system. It will be up to decision makers to select the right components and performance levels to create the best ground segment for their mission. This modular approach allows for more customization and optimization, making the system more adaptable and flexible compared to the traditional approach.

What is Capgeminis role in the space sector, particularly in the Domino projects?

Capgemini has a well-defined strategy in the space sector, especially in the ground segment market. As an integrator and key player, we are currently developing ground segments for companies like Airbus. We can support other companies in two ways: by providing frameworks or components to help them build Dominoes, or by developing and commercializing our own Dominoes. While the first approach is more in line with Capgemini’s core expertise, the second option of developing and selling our own Dominoes is something we could explore in the future.

Thank you!
